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Of the destiny want Yao is at big destitution Qin from cradle to the grave until die of old age, the Yao is sentenced to death because the motherland again opens hostilities with big Qin.
Looking at at present this from cradle to the grave come down became the youth of political sacrifice article, Ying government way:"Do you hate big Qin?"
Ya Ge shakes head, the facial expression one is cool:"Do not hate."
"?Why?"For his the answer Ying government pour some out of the blue.
Ya Ge Dao:"I and although the father is a quality,Facebook,be delivered reason was Lu Pei Di Si to give offense to the federal of Suo Er at big Qin.The Suo Er compares a grade of Si Gao of Lu Pei Di, isn't Lu Pei Di Si at all to arrive enemy's ground, so Lu Pei Di Si just delivers big Qin of my father, again cede five galaxies to exchange the intermediation of participating of big Qin.So, I don't hate big Qin.The clansmen who hates me,cnn.In fact which afraid even if because of the motherland lose war just be delivered as proton, also have no what hate ground so much.The strong is a king is a truth, hate the motherland that hate me is incapable, don't say common people just also, even own descendants can not keep intact.Would rather want than have this spirit to hate how make oneself strong, only have oneself enough strong, so as to change oneself and see Jean of the person's destiny!"
"H'm, good!Is very good!Ambition can Jia!I believe.There is life ambition like this, you in no case will the elephant grass snake wind around in the ground during a lifetime!"Ying government cachinnation.Recently for a while is he really having good luck?Almost shall arrive soon the situation of whatever one wishes is fulfilled!Being a Luo feather first is together good again space, then is Heng wave and clear sea, but now literally seek a wine shop to have a meal can meet with good seedling son like this!
Be still fastenning ground to constitute core for one of the lights and have a headache recently, although with angry determination say to let only solves by himself/herself, can also just end in talk, only is that temperament, really can hardly become a qualified governor, which afraid again forced don't also use!Even if can make him no longer idle, but for be not good at long manage of he to say, also doing not know how many problems should solve is similar.So still must make him seek 1 have already managed an empirical person, help to elsewhere manage he doesn't know how to start of business.
But in the moment is a such emollient candidate, have greed, have desire and have been already known to see, is still a rare light attribute physical endowment, true is the condition that matches a Ying government very much.Just don't know that how background is, he now can have no that time and energy elephant to Heng wave generally the hand handle knob start to teach from the foundation, so the youth that he is optimistic about have to have definitely the ability beats bottom, otherwise and then also can sorrily give up.
Ate an one mouthful vegetables after, the Ying government suddenly asks a way:"You think govern the way of country should how?"
Ya Ge Yi is foolish, at present of the noble and he does this proton discuss to govern the way of country?This is really some oddness!But he eyes in the vision of Ying government under, still keep answering a way:"Govern the way of country to have no to definitely settle power, the concrete circumstance of each nation is different, so governing the way of country is also different but together.But the matter of in this world ten thousand become not to leave it to believe in, always having certain grain can follow.Generally speaking is divided into 3 kinds, namely'power', 'Shu', 'method'.'Power'namely power and Wei power, 'Shu'namely political political strategy, 'method'namely law and regulation system.These threes would are the foundation of governing the country."
The Ying government ordered to nod:"That you think these three inside that kind of most importance?"
"Is all very important!The enlightened monarch is like sky, enforce the law candor.This BE'method';When gentleman king controled a person, appear and disappear mysteriously, make people can not catch to touch, this BE'Shu';The gentleman Wang Yong 's awfulness, makes like mountain, this BE'power'.This threes can not on having no, all emperor king it should have."
"Behave a minister Chen but speech, the gentleman is taught with his/her speech of matter.Particularly with his/her matter responsibility its achievement.Next is what?"
Ya Ge doesn't adds deliberation ground and then connect a way:"The achievement is its matter, the matter is its speech and then appreciates;Achievement not appropriate its matter, the matter isn't appropriate it to talk and then punish."
The Ying government ordered to nod again and asked a way again:"If, a day you sit one 6 K novel net over there.The cellular phone stands wap..nap in cn, the cape that covers on the body dropped, but at this time your maid but not at, you ground bodyguard afraid you catch cold.Pick up to re- cover for you.While waiting you to come to you should how reward and punishment?"
"The maidservant is delinquent in duty.The nature should punish,google.Bodyguard's loyal waits on a lord, the nature should appreciate."Finish saying to see a Ying government to lightly shake head, Ya Ge cans not help a strange way:"How.Not right?"
Ying government light tunnel:"Probably in your eyes, the treatment like this is the most reasonable, but if is me, two punish together."
He the answer like this obviously make Ya Ge think impassability very much and take off to ask a way:"Why?"
"You can know to strive for its government at its, the maidservant is surely delinquent in duty, but look after the host's living is her matter in, not bodyguard of.The bodyguard's job is the safety that protects host, should put all spirits at the guard on.But he left he ground the post do the work of maidservant and be good at to leave office to guard.Busybodies, similar should punish!"
Ya Ge Leng however, although the words of Ying government is very inconsiderate, but listen to is quite right, reasonable make him completely can not answer criticism.Can not help lock since the eyebrow, start earnest thinking exactly is should with feeling but appreciate, still should with more job but punish.
When he is lost in thought, suddenly ring out one of "bang" huge ring, waked up with a start him to come over.Also make all gastronomes' visions hope toward a table of seat that depends a window.Is this table of up have four people, but is among them of 2 fought, but quarreled of the topic is incredibly big emperor Qin's his majesty to actually grow what kind, noisy get into a hot dispute, among them a concussion under then strike table.
And another not resigned to playing second fiddle also stood, the slap clapped at table up, hence is that"bang" ground was a , shook the wine pots on the table to all turn over again.This person Nu way:"You think is voice's moving bowels a proof that you are right?His majesty male just Wei slightly, gain considerable fame expanse of stars, the nature is the handsome great husband of a martial dignity, do you incredibly say that the his majesty is an a small white face?"
He is to annoy careless, incredibly don't choose speech, this exit, argue 1 ground with him that felt numerous benefit arrowses similar while ascending of vision facing body up shoot!Frighten his whole body a cold, quickly defense way:"I when once said is the his majesty a small white face?I just say that the his majesty grows cultured and cultured just ……"
Front a Pei for talking 1:"Arrogant Qin founds a state up to now, the his majesty once resisted to drive to once lead the army personally three times and saw that idol in the sanctuary again, how dignity shoot a person.Is cultured and cultured?Kui you say export!"
"Grow cultured and cultured can not resist to drive to lead the army personally?Not does the ability dignity shoot a person?You what logic is this ?Although the facial appearance of idol is mostly misty,see that outline and facial features shape can also predict ……"
A many gastronomes can not help after listenning to understand speechless, incredibly fight for the sake of this?What kind does emperor his majesty grow to have what relation with them?And Ying government this each air peculiarly take aim a Ying government and make the Ying government is more in distress situation, how also unexpectatively and unexpectedly someone will fight because of his facial appearance so, really have no language.
Those are two more noisy more vigorous, and although the gastronome of flank disagrees to the problem that they dispute, also happy must join a crowd for fun, have more of push wave to help Lan, also joined an issue.Be imaginable as a result that absolutely is a fire up sprinkle oil, with the result that quarrel a beginning to gradually get stripe.
Two quarrels aren't next, have already wanted to present to public over there whole martial line of of time, suddenly a very drunkly voice ring get up:"Is martial dignity?Is cultured and cultured?Ha ha ha, is really too funny!Or I come to tell you and have never listenned to person to say?Qin Huang's height is three Zhangs, Ma Mu Ao's nose, big Ji Ran, voice jackal and wolf, the cold blood is ruthlessly oppressive.Have been already heard?This is clearly one ugly must can not appear in public of disfigured, Kui you still have a face to blow one's own horn here!"
Immediately all orotund Jias in the wine shop however, those are two have already done not fight as well in the Lu sleeves, one Sen cold visions all sweep to ring voice of come to place.On 1 table near the stairs, sit six foreign country persons, have two obviously have already got drunk, among them of one sway wine cup your book tongue to speak Related articles:

