
Facebook Twisted tales of the _88

Yang g fantasy .relationresultHe opened his eyes.relationresultHefound that he did not die .relationresultElf assassinin the hands of crescent blade wearing an arrow ,the arrow to ward off the curse of yang .
relationresultA series ofbad syllables from the elf Assassin out ,he angrily at the eye ,in the look in the eyes of envy, distrust ,and even a sense of inferiority fury .relationresultWhoosh whoosh , relationresultThere are twoarrows flew ,elf assassin crescent blade retaining ,arrows are directly into the iron blade ,then ,Peng out a large rattan ,like a snake like rapid growth ,will soon be elf Assassin .
relationresultAbinge drinking, backhand pulling the assassin ,outward down ,stay still shocked by the yang .relationresultIn theextreme of the lake, there is a green silhouette ,actually direct wave riding on the lake .
relationresultYang Zhengeyesight is very strong, can see him put down his bow ,directly on the lake come runnin .relationresultThe God of the.relationresultHow hedid it ,the lake at his feet like the ground ,the green movement such as figure ,full of smart breath .
relationresultWith theelf assassins flee, Yang Zheng on the colloidal liquid quickly into intact ,his hands free, the water was up to the waist ,blood wolf howl afferent Yang ears ,Sean saw side has only blood wolf man ,clinging a black thorn ,the sword stabbed into the his body ,but his body is pierced with a sword ,is completely perish together attitude .
Floating on the lake one has broken body ,the blood incarnadine cruise near the lake .relationresultElfassassins flee let the black assassins suddenly change action ,abandoned Sean ,all have plenty of fight in sb.
came toward Yang Zheng .relationresultHalf bodysubmerged Yang action greatly hindered ,but his right hand strength to obtain substantially enhanced ,single hand grasping thorn of a sword ,the man pulled into her arms ,arm and a buckle twist, the man bones burst like snap bean ,Facebook.
relationresultThe blackassassins not terribly rushed down deeper and deeper ,the ship .relationresultSoonflooded into Yang Zheng .relationresultBlackYang Zheng to be in the center of the ring ,Yang Zheng in the struggle ,if on land, with his power now ,absolutely can kill these people ,but he doesn out in the original 1/5 strength .
relationresultSingle handclaw ,squash and a black man ,the water up to his lips ,full of rammish Lake poured into his mouth ,feet ,waist tightly ,several men in black body had caught him ,more and more knife ,he finally pulled into the lake ,hold call absorption of Yang Zheng is in the lake by the several black people hold tightly ,abdomen is pain ,a knife through his body .
relationresultThe waterpoured into his mouth ,rapid loss of strength in the increasingly blurred ,the eye ... ... , relationresultIn front ofthe black assassins snarling face a sudden twist ,an arrow from his brain penetration ,through the mouth .
relationresultThen,a green light arrow suddenly burst out ,a large group of green foliage like a flower blooming ,crazy outward growth ,soon will be in black body wrapped tightly ,the green plants with amazing speed along a sunken boat growth ,like Ivy as quickly filled the lake .
relationresultBewild plants will all around them, continue to grow and will they arch out of the water .relationresultAirinto the laryngeal cavity Yang ,he suddenly felt that life back into the body, the shortness of breath for a few export ,could catch a glimpse of the green was put in the hands of the bow and arrow ,and looked at him ,and turned away .
relationresultWhois that man ?relationresultYang Zhengxinslightly thinking, but can find any impression .relationresultIsthe growing Naga To tightly wrapped around cruise dozens of black assassin ,the reinforcements finally arrived .
relationresultIt isa sound came screaming .relationresultYang Zhengin cold, look at the past, suddenly my hair on ,the rest being entangled with the black assassin vine see cannot escape ,but all Dutch act ,black blood from their mouths out ,then their body keeps out smoke ,was in all eyes melted only a skeleton .
relationresultCrazypeople .relationresultThechief Zedd Earl led reinforcements to save Yang Zhenghe Sean ,guards are all dead, leaving only the blood wolf or be at one ,but Sean and the Ruiseer miss nothing ,just a coma .
relationresultYang Zheng darkrelief, Sean life is crucial, this time to Suoluodun speaker ,his dad but the key figures .relationresultCitypalace .relationresultYang Zhengtangon a chair ,who was all bandaged up ,his wounds were seventeen ,eight road, is the most serious abdominal sword, directly into his body .
When he was sent back, even medical officer in tension ,ordinary people affected by such a heavy wound die to half-life ,if Yang Zheng the eastern hero died on the way, the day knows will create a big storm .
relationresultButto everyone surprise, Yang Zheng in addition to face slightly pale ,spirit is still good, the wound suture handling has been on the chair ,and nothing .relationresultThiswas attributed to Bobbi, the original Bobbi did not enter his body ,Yang Zheng are repeated in the jaws of death around, to choose a life , Bobbi now possessed in his body ,his body more abnormal ,ordinary people called injured does not apply to him .
relationresultYang Zhengsaid , Bobbi is in the heart and communicate .relationresultBobbi ,you know .I what ? , relationresultAssassin.relationresultYang Zhengchoked up ,he was bored just try to use kind - airway : I know are assassins ,you can say the detailed point ? ,cnn, relationresultUnclear.
relationresultBobbi is alwaysso clear and concise ,his own words .relationresultYang Zhengsithought for a moment, the assassin is not he care about most ,primarily those who wanted to kill him, others may not be clear ,and can be found in the game ,he would see himself is the assassin ,or strength of the highest elf assassin not specifically deal with him ,finally the black assassin also won kill all rushed he .
relationresultTheassassins be trained with regularity ,with close ,apparently very professional ,and the lead elf assassin is the strength of terrible terrible .relationresultYang Zhengwondered who can lie moved the series assassin .
relationresultQiu Yuanshan?The prime suspect ,but he can make moving such assassin had never sent her to kill young son .relationresultManjhi?Now, Wei Rong and cloud be closely related and mutually dependent ,they gave him a brainwashing ,he is not stupid .
relationresultIs theRamones special ?relationresultYang Zhengsank ,the future Grand Prince has such potential strength ?relationresultAt present,these people are possible, but the probability problem ,cannot straighten Yang Zheng put aside the idea in his mind again ,the green form, elegant wind ,ghost action ,magic and terrible archery .
relationresultEven thestrength of striking elf assassin will be defeated and flee ,the green shadow exactly is who ?relationresultSeems to directlysee to Yang thought ,Bobbi once again out of sound : it is a spirit, and is the senior green elf ,google.
, relationresultelf ! Yang Zheng this time you ,demon this strange race previously existed only in the novel, Yang Zhengceng is the Lord of the rings loyal fans, for the support of the love of nature ,in the jungle of peaceful life beautiful race is very good .
relationresultBluecontinent has appeared wizard is Yang Zheng see the dwarves to concern ,in his impression, dwarves and elves always seem to be linked together ,don ,in many novels are so written ,Yang Zheng would think so ,really not what he expected, elves exist in blue continent . Related articles:

