
Beats By Dre Diamond guard neck sudden

Must it not . Misaki Sato Masao sneer tract .The voice just fell ,om ,dr dre cheap!~ Misaki Sato Masao wrist a shock ,samurai sword shaken open fighting thorn ,lifted the edge of knife to chop down again .
Combat thrust buildup of no return ,Li Wei deflection sashimi ,straight to poke out ,won let upon Misaki Sato Masao was forced to change call blocking frame .relationresultLi Wei isa shit what not to attack ,attack again to replace his answer .
relationresultTwo worldsfluctuated metal impact sound ,like rain like in an unbroken line ,Misaki Sato Masao even sold several flaws ,it is nevertheless, Li Wei soft and hard not to eat to Zhaozhao pushy ,is entirely a power does not let the human posture, to Misaki Sato Masao after strokes without can play out, playing behind him the cold sweat DC ,Lee all-attack health attitude and make Misaki Sato Masao fall into the wind .
relationresultAlthough Misaki Sato Masaohimself as a warrior ,but where can and battlefield experience numerous death warrior compared .Li Wei almost never learned much formal routines .But because of this ,Li Wei each trick is formulary, are honed by field .
relationresultA displayof an elusive .relationresultIf theearly modern and modern military Fame rank melee system weapon ,army thorn is ranked first ,or * * Eight Route Army developed the first assault rifle is not used in all army thorn for the standard melee weapons like sword bayonet cold ,gentleman ,nor a knife then despot person gas ,army thorn class is purely for the purpose of caustic to kill ,hard to achieve the ultimate ,Beats By Dre Diamond.
To make a clean break with a samurai sword ,sharp teeth in Li Wei this two and a half feet long spines on the eat up fighting ,three-edged needle sashimi can can block the samurai sword sharpened ,like modern * * thorn true intentions .
* * the army thorn all eat a samurai sword ,may be designed specifically for japan .relationresultLi Wei leaned over theinjury heals at the beginning ,and in the view of the site had wind ,occupying the geographical trend ,with a vengeance ,the idler ,played Misaki Sato Masao act with confusion ,only a little .
relationresultMisaki Sato Masaoimpatience ,continue like this, and not fall into a snare is the situation .When he saw in the side tension watching Ding Heyang, suddenly feet kicked up a sand and gravel onto Li Wei ,and pounced on Ding Heyang .
relationresultAh ! Ding Heyang did not expect to have a duel with Li Weizuo in the battle of Misaki Sato Masao should be so mean ,suddenly came to own ,guard ,neck suddenly appear cold shock to him a thrill ,the body is Misaki Sato Masao top in front, facing the Li wei .
relationresultLi Weiwaved off the sand ,only to see Ding Heyang shudder to was a gleaming sword at the top of the neck ,it only needed a shake ,Ding Heyang is a cut throat risk .relationresultMisaki Sato puppy ,Beats By Dre Justbeats!This is your Bushido ?!False false side have said fair ,while despicable to secretly sneak attack ,your Japanese is so hypocritical .
Li Wei slowly turned around, fighting barbed pointed straight to the D Heyang flank hostage Misaki Sato Masao .relationresultLi ,Li Wei you ! Ding Heyang looked pale ,almost what to say ,filled with despair ,as Li Wei ,see this posture today he will be here for the party and the people sacrifice .
relationresultDing Heyangdare not speak to Li Weijiu his words ,or even if there ,but also did not face to remain in the stronghold .relationresultAll of Li Weiattention is focused on Misaki Sato Masao side ,no matter ,and were poised to launch ,at any time ,in Li Wei ,hostage Ding Heyang has been completely ignored, his eyes only to kill his old comrade black five and direct murderer Misaki Sato Masao ,see Misaki Sato Masao ,Li Weifa will not be the peeler cramp ,file the bone dust .
relationresultThe winner of the final ,have right to speak ,her life ,not to stick at trifles ,you and me as the enemy ,hum !All is fair in war but ,hey hey ! Yin Xiao to hide themselves behind Ding Heyang ,Misaki Sato Masao sneer : Chinese Li Weijun Stardust shuttle as Ninja shuriken ,but the guy blocking ,Stardust shuttle is again severe, may also play the hero .
, relationresultMisaki Sato Masao didndare use Ding Heyang to threaten Li Wei, had seen Li Wei decide promptly and opportunely the hard decision style ,he knows this guy Li Wei in the Eight Route Army in is heterogeneous, the enemy of his ruthless ,people genghen .
relationresultStardust shuttle ?!Hey. Li Wei sneers two not to talk ,but now he hands even half the Stardust shuttle are not all on the same day ,in the temple mount all exhausted ,before the recovery .
relationresultLi Weijun ,would you please tell me the general fire place ,as long as you open the mouth ,I will open your comrade, and I could use the name of the emperor to guarantee ,I nothing but ,otherwise ,hum !Big deal a casual shoot two ,perish together .
Misaki Sato Masao is very careful ,the mountain temple, Li Wei Stardust shuttle left Misaki Sato Masao was so impressed ,nearly 1/3 of the Ninja is be caught off guard fell into dust shuttle attack .
relationresultTo be quite beautiful ,you and I talk about the conditions of eligibility ?! Although Li Wei is not very like Ding Heyang the dogmatists, but as long as there is a glimmer of a chance ,he did not sacrifice of this usually see him how to see what the instructor .
relationresultThat I have a look ,your quick ,or my knife ,I won you can make your weapon coming from behind me ?Clam ha ! Misaki Sato Masao deliberately Hawking at Li Wei ,the situation on the hand feeling let him with some ,some of his lucky Li Wei also maintained some reason ,Misaki Sato Masao said it is hard ,say yes and mean No .
relationresultm afraidnot ! Li Wei flickered leis .relationresultBut Misaki Sato Masaofinds Li Wei in the bravado ,to conceal the heart disturbed .relationresultHaha ha .You continue to blow .
.. ... , relationresultMisaki Sato Masao suddenlyfound himself laugh suddenly interrupted ,neck like leakage of gas ,and wet feeling ,he stretched out his hand to touch to touch the neck ,but a sharp angle from the riser section office wear out .
relationresult... ... Misaki Sato Masao was to the back of the neck to touch ,also feel a thin sharp ,he fling caution to the winds to pull out ,to his eyes ,one with his blood and Stardust shuttle was in his hands .
relationresultMisaki Sato Masaoeyes stare big circle ,pupil is gradually enlarged, he simply do not believe ,how the Stardust shuttle will appear on his neck ,and the hostage is really the block in front of him ,but unharmed ,sealed all of Li Wei to release Stardust shuttle angle .
relationresultIs thisthe shuttle will turn ?!Although there are rumours that Li Wei has to control the singular ability of weapons ,but it was already losing exercise to benefit the internal organs are damaged ,if Li Wei is in the shitkicking surfer ,the just and prior to never see that out ?You can see ,Li Wei is not the province oil lamp .
Misaki Sato Masao looks still in front of the Li Wei ,she looked at the hands of the Stardust shuttle ,he cannot imagine the Stardust shuttle is where that came from .relationresult... .
.. Misaki Sato Masao also wanted to sound, but from around the neck wound continuously spewing out the blood ,wet Ding Heyang .relationresultLosethe pharyngeal tissue closure ,blood and lung to be squeezed out of the air to make Misaki Sato Masao the body strength and loss of clean ,but soft down on his knees ,hands of the samurai sword is like gravity force sucking off hand ,with a sound was dropped on the floor .
relationresultDing Heyang sawa samurai sword drop ,is frightened and never looked back ,killed himself away, leaving the star far away, on the side of the remnant wall panting ,often sick ,apparently by a shock .
relationresultBlood losscaused by line of sight blurred gradually ,Misaki Sato Masao saw a body is obviously black ninja woman is walking to him over, the woman figure familiar, is ... . Related articles:

